
I am pleased to offer my wholehearted endorsement of Beth Prokaska as the NDP candidate for Ottawa West-Nepean. From my personal experience, Beth has demonstrated an extraordinary commitment to both her promises and her constituents, making her the ideal representative for our community.

Beth’s prompt response to my emails is a testament to her dedication. She made a commitment to meet with my wife and me to discuss our concerns and the issues facing our riding. True to her word, she kept that promise, and the conversation we had was genuine, thoughtful, and meaningful. Throughout our meeting, Beth’s empathy and compassion were clear—not only in her words but also in her tone and expressions. She shares the same concerns as we do about the well-being of the youth in our community and those who are most vulnerable.

In a political climate where many leaders have unfortunately taken sides and alienated constituents, Beth’s approach is a breath of fresh air. She genuinely cares for the people in our community who are feeling the most pain and uncertainty. Empathy is an essential quality in leadership, and Beth has demonstrated that she has this in abundance.

I firmly believe that Beth Prokaska is the best person to represent Ottawa West-Nepean in the next federal election. Her positive, compassionate message is exactly what our community needs during these challenging times. I am confident she will serve with integrity, care, and a true commitment to improving the lives of all those in our riding.

-Arif Yousuf, Parkwood Hills 

Why I am supporting Beth Prokaska as the Ottawa West Nepean Federal NDP Candidate

Ottawa West Nepean is a diverse and beautiful network of communities that I have been proud to be a part of, first as the OCDSB School Board Trustee for Bay Ward for eight years and currently as a second term Bay Ward City Councillor.  I also worked on the hill with the NDP Caucus for almost 30 years and understand what is needed to succeed as an MP, and that is passion.

OWN equally deserves a strong, passionate female local candidate at the federal level.  That is why I am supporting Beth Prokaska.  I have personally known Beth for many years and I am in awe of her achievements and dedication to equity. 

Beth was raised by a mother who worked for MPPs in Queens Park and who passed on to Beth a passion for social justice.  Beth has been a long time music teacher with the Ottawa Carleton District School Board and she has shared with me stories of the struggles of many of the students in her classes over the years who came from vulnerable neighbourhoods. Beth has also raised two children in our riding and continues to live in the community.  She is a passionate defender of the rights of transgender youth and the LGTBQ+ communities. 

I couldn’t be more proud of Beth’s spirit of caring for those who need a voice.  In July I witnessed Beth talking to tenants at an apartment building who were handed eviction notices; the tenants were filled with fear.  She was calm and caring in giving the information they needed.  I also watched her succeed, despite physical setbacks, in climbing Kilimanjaro in support of Christie Lake Kids Camp.  Beth is truly inspiring.

I believe that the party’s commitment to support strong women at every opportunity needs to be actioned with quality candidates as they work towards equal gender representation however this decision is up to the membership and I believe we all care about gender equity.

Beth has a thorough understanding of the importance of moving forward on progressive issues that bring equity to those who can not access what we all deserve such as safe and secure housing, higher education or just a decent meal on the table.  In other words, Beth gets it. She understands the positive effect that the policies brought forward by the members of the NDP caucus will have on local residents.

As an elected representative in this community I see the many inequities for vulnerable community members.  They need a federal representative who understands the lack of equitable access to the necessities of life.  Beth has front line experience working with these communities and wants to make their lives better.

I ask that you join me in supporting Beth Prokaska as the OWN Federal Candidate. 

Theresa Kavanagh - City Councillor Bay Ward

I am proud to support Beth Prokaska as the federal New Democratic Party candidate for Ottawa West-Nepean. For the last 17 years I have lived and raised my children in this riding. It is important for me, and my neighbours, that we have a Member of Parliament like Beth. Someone with deep roots in our community who will bring her commitment to helping residents in our vibrant neighbourhoods. Beth's experience assisting vulnerable families to access social programs at a grassroots level, her life-long dedication to social justice and her ability to meaningfully connect with people will make her both an excellent Member of Parliament and a great addition to the New Democrat caucus.  

Kathleen Monk- former Director of Communications to the late NDP Leader Jack Layton

Dear OWN-NDP friends:

My name is Alex Cullen and I am writing to you about the upcoming nomination for NDP candidate in Ottawa West-Nepean for the next federal election.

Many of you will recognize me for my time as a City Councillor in Bay Ward (2000-2010), as 2-time candidate for the Ontario NDP in Ottawa West-Nepean (1999 & 2014), and as the former President of the Ottawa West-Nepean NDP Riding Association. I have supported every NDP candidate in Ottawa West-Nepean since joining the party in 1998, and was proud to participate in the campaigns that elected Chandra Pasma as our MPP in Ottawa West-Nepean.

We have an opportunity at the October 6 OWN-NDP federal nomination meeting to select a candidate who will take advantage of the slumping fortunes of the Trudeau Liberals and the extreme right-wing policies of the Poilievre Conservatives and become our NDP Member of Parliament. I believe that Beth Prokaska is our best choice to be that candidate.

I have known Beth for over a decade and can vouch for her NDP credentials. Beth lives in our riding, has union experience through her teaching profession, and has dealt with challenging issues such as helping to make the LGBTQ+ community and other marginalized groups in our school system feel safe and heard. Throughout her career as an educator she has seen, firsthand, how the stripping away of our social programs by the other parties has directly affected families in our neighbourhoods and she will fight to change that. She brings to our campaign values that are important to New Democrats and to the residents of Ottawa West- Nepean.

My friends, on October 6, let us choose a genuine representative of our community – one who will give it her all to fight for us - Beth Prokaska – to be our NDP candidate in Ottawa West-Nepean.

Alex Cullen

I met Beth Prokaska almost 25 years ago when we worked together at an inner-city school. She was the music teacher and I was her vice principal. I knew I could rely on Beth to always go above and beyond for her students, ensuring each one was provided with the opportunity to achieve to the best of their ability.  Not only did she instill in them a love of music, but she also taught them the meaning of care, compassion, commitment and the importance of relationships.  These values were also extended to the students' families and to her colleagues,

As your MP, I am confident Beth will represent you in the same way I witnessed her supporting her students - with a deep care and commitment to listening to and acting on your needs, always going above and beyond, and continuing to build relationships not only in the community, but also within the government.  Beth loves a challenge and I know she’ll fight for the needs of all Canadians! 

Marianne Harvey, retired OCDSB principal, Leslie Park

When I first moved to Ottawa-West Nepean close to 20 years ago, there were not many people who looked like me in our neighbourhood. Now that I have a young child of my own I would like to endorse Beth Prokaska, her career is testament to values of shared humanity.

Hadaf Zubi, Database Architect, Carlingwood

I am very happy to support Beth Prokaska as the federal New Democratic Party candidate for Ottawa West-Nepean.  I have known Beth for 15 years, 13 of which we were educational colleagues.  I saw first-hand the dedication and care she brought to her job as a teacher, not just to the students she was working with, but to all students and their families.  Beth was well liked by the students because she developed a wonderful rapport based on compassion, mutual respect and a good dose of humour.  It is this same dedication, compassion and respect that Beth will bring to her position with the NDP.

For the last 10 years I have lived in this riding and cannot think of another person I would want to represent me.  Given the chance, I know Beth will bring her unwavering commitment to ensure that not only will everyone be heard, but at the end of the day, meaningful change will be made.

Sandra Spicer, Educational Assistant in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing program at Vincent Massey Public School, Queensway Terrace South

I have known Beth since I began volunteering in her music class over 15 years ago. Since then we have become very good friends. I truly feel that Beth is the best candidate to represent us. I have never met a person who is so dedicated to whatever she takes on. She always fulfills her promises. Her heart is with the people who are vulnerable and in need. She can't stand unfairness and greediness. In Dutch we have a saying: Who gives whatever he/she has is worth to live. She always gives, she is always considerate, she always fights for fairness.

On top of that she is smart and well informed. She will make sure that she will gather all the information needed to act in our best interest. The NDP philosophy of social justice is in her blood.

Gerard Nieuwenhuis, Queensway Terrace North

I support Beth Prokaska as the federal NDP candidate for Ottawa West-Nepean. 

I had the pleasure of working alongside Beth for 8 years; the same number of years that I have lived in this riding. In that time, Beth demonstrated remarkable skill in connecting with students and advocating for vulnerable families within the school. She knows, firsthand, the struggles facing families these days. She passionately defends the rights of LGBTQ+ youth and advocated for and led the Rainbow Club at our school. She also engaged in equity advocacy at the board level. She worked to develop a sense of community within her students. An example of this is when she connected students in the school choir with the senior residents’ choir at the Perley Long Term Health Centre. They rehearsed and then performed together, building a lasting relationship of community support and engagement. Beth is a lifelong learner who values listening to and learning from the experiences of others. She has the ability to engage in meaningful conversations with anyone and genuinely listens to the perspectives of others. This skill positions her as an ideal candidate to persuade current Liberal and Conservative voters to support the NDP in the upcoming elections. I feel confident that if elected, Beth will continue to listen to her constituents and champion their needs. Beth embodies the qualities we need in our next Member of Parliament—empathy, determination, and a strong commitment to positive change.

- Marina Deere, teacher, Copeland Park